Wednesday 30 November 2011

Hello, is there anybody out there....?

Wow, 299 views of my blog to date (that can't just be me looking at it) not bad since I a) only have 2 followers and b) am a bit too shy to tell my friends where I have hidden this away!  

So I am trying to be brave and have gradually started telling people that I am writing, am just a little scardy of it, you know, being out there (so no posts on Facebook about it yet).

So whoever is reading this, hello and welcome.  You never know the more people follow the braver I may become...


  1. eek have just told my mother where to find this! now am frantically scanning through to see if there is anything I need to remove!!

  2. Hello Mum of MADQ - she's always nice about you, honest!
