Friday, 4 November 2011

grumpy mama

I wonder what my children will remember about me when they are older.  Will it be the stories I read, songs I have sung, games we have played or cakes we have baked together....or will it be when I have to get the shouty voice out  in the mornings attempting to get them to school on time, when I bellow at them to go to bed or the stand up arguments about doing homework?

In a perfect world I would always be there to listen, to play, would want to hear about Moshi Monsters in minute detail.  I would WANT to read all of the Rainbow Fairy books, want to sing the same songs over and over and over again.  There would be no shouting and more listening.

But I'm tired and it's hard work isn't it, life.  Tomorrow I will be better.


  1. Strangely enough I pondered on a similar though this morning after shouting at a pretty scary volume at Mya (only 5) to hurry up and get in the car...followed by my usual rants about being late all the time. I was feeling a tad guilty because I know they are going to faff about and take 10 minutes to get out the house and in the car but I never leave enough time...I just love my bed too much! And as for the Rainbow fairies...Ahhhhgghghg I hate them! I dont actually know anyone who does like doin all the things you said...and frankly, if they really do love it, everyday, even when they are tired then they are freaks...well, in my books anyway! ;)

  2. Funnily enough I'm never all that interested in the various tracks and weapons of Mario Kart. Social Services have been informed.
