Monday 23 April 2012

Homework blues

It seems to me that my 7 year old daughter gets a ridiculous amount of homework for a child of that age.  I know, I know the SATS are looming but I don't remember having homework at that age (OK admittedly it was 1980 but still).  In the last holidays they had spellings, comprehension, maths, an old SATS paper AND a project to complete. 

I find it painful cajoling her into doing said homework. Although usually after at least one argument we get it done & handed in on time.  What is really beginning to irk me is the fact that we have just been informed that they now have one less say to do the work because 'some people don't hand it in on time'*.
WTF?  So because some parents don't support their kids to do it, all of us that do are penalised? Really?  Is that fair? GRRR.

I do find the very subject of homework gets my heckles up.  It always seems to fall into my remit (as do most other things) as isn't even on Mr DOMADQ's radar (well except to tut & make sympathetic noises when he hears the ensuing row about not just sitting down & getting on with it and not disappearing to investigate what her sister is up to/daydreaming/telling me in minute detail about Sponge Bob/hovering around her chair etc etc etc.)

I then I think about my writing homework & the poem still unfinished in my book that keeps winking at me and I hang my head in shame.  I am just as bad as girl 1.  I think that's why I get so cross about the homework thing.  I am a daydreamer.  I am a procrastinator.  These traits she has inherited from me.  I look at her & see myself and THAT is why I am frustrated. 

*admittedly this explanation has come from my 7 year old so may not be entirely accurate!

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